Sunday, 6 April 2014


Let's start celebrating Easter by  singing the songs in the LIM and then playing some games:

LIM by Belen Junquera

Decorate your egg

Find the differences

Make the puzzle

Ana a lot of games below

 easter games

Saturday, 15 March 2014


We are going to learn some nursery rhymes to clap your hands and play with a partner. 

A Sailor Went to Sea
A sailor went to
Sea, sea, sea
To see what he could
See, see, see.

But all that he could
See, see, see.
Was the bottom of the deep blue
Sea, sea, sea.

How to clap:
A— Clap your own hands
sai—clap right hands with a partner
lor—Clap your own hands
went —clap left hands with partner
to—clap your own hands
sea—clap your partner’s hands three times…
Repeat movements
Let's have a llok to some different :